Easy Choices

Roasted Celeriac with Soured Cream and Sesame Seeds

Roasted Celeriac with Soured Cream and Sesame Seeds

Celery root is a staple for the Mediterranean kitchen and I didn’t know until recently that it has only 5.6 net carbs per 100 grams and, as cauliflower, it can replace potatoes in my Keto journey. It has a creamy texture and herbal flavour when roasted. It has my 5 stars!

One serving has only 133 calories
Total Fat: 9 g, Net Carbs: 6, Protein 3 g.

This is the perfect side to any roast or steak.



  1. Adjust the oven rack to the lowest position and heat the oven to 220 F
  2. Using a chef’s night cut a thin slice from both root and top end of the celeriac.
  3. Place it on a board and cut from top to bottom removing wide strips of peel.
  4. Cut the celery in 4 quarters and then cut in 1/2 inch slices/ wedges.
  5. Place the celeriac wedges in a large bowl and mix it with 2 tablespoons Olive Oil, 1 teaspoon Fine Himalayan Pink Salt,
    1 teaspoon Smoked Paprika powder, 1 teaspoon ground black pepper and 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika.
  6. Line a large baking tray with parchment paper and arrange the celeriac wedges in a single layer.
  7. Roast celery wedges for 30 minutes until it starts to lightly brown on the bottom and then turn them up and roast for another 10 minutes. The celery wedges will become brownish and very tender.
  8. Meanwhile, in a small bowl add a large tablespoon of Soured cream and mix it with dry oregano, lemon zest and juice and chopped fresh parsley.
  9. In a sauce pan, toast 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds on medium heat and set aside. Place the sesame seeds in a small bowl and add dried thyme, mix them together.
  10. Transfer the celery wedges on plates and drizzle with the soured cream mixture and then sprinkle with a teaspoon spoon the roasted seasoned sesame seeds.
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