Easy Choices

Mozzarella Bread Sticks & Savoury Swirls

Pesto & mozzarella rolls Mozzarella Bread Sticks & Savoury Swirls

Pesto & mozzarella rolls

Quick and easy – either a comforting dinner or a savoury snack or lunch, these sticks will fit the bill or your low carb lifestyle. They are still delicious even when you serve them hot, warm or cold. This recipe makes 12-13 sticks and 6 rolls. A serving is either of 3 sticks or 2 rolls.

Savoury Swirls & Mozzarella Bread Sticks


Mozzarella dough

Nutrition facts are only for the Mozzarella dough and will not include the extras listed below.

Extras/Options for seasoning and Fillings


  1. Add the mozzarella and the cottage cheese together in a microwave safe bowl and mix them together. (Instead of Microwave you can use a double boiler on the stove.)
  2. Add the cheeses in the microwave for 2-3 minutes until the mozzarella melts. After 90 seconds, remove from microwave and stir the cheeses to combine.
  3. While the cheeses are melting, beat two eggs in a separate bowl.
  4. Remove the melted cheeses from the microwave and mix with a spatula.
  5. Add in the Coconut flour and the beaten eggs. Optionally add garlic powder and oregano to taste.
  6. With the a spatula, knead the dough until smooth and roll it into a ball.
  7. Line your working top with a large parchment paper.
  8. Place the dough ball in the middle, half it and keep just one half to roll.
  9. Cover the dough with another large parchment paper.
  10. With a rolling pin, roll out the dough keeping it between the two parchment papers.
  11. With a knife, slice the dough in 2-inch strips. Optionally sprinkle them with grated Parmesan.
  12. Line a tray with parchment paper and place the strips in the preheated oven.
  13. The other half of the dough, roll it out in the same way and cut longer strips or mini rectangles.
  14. On some of the strips spread pesto or add a few chorizo slices or add extra mozzarella and then roll them into swirls. Place them on a tray with parchment paper and slide them into the preheated oven.
  15. Bake them for 5-6 minutes until they rise and they get golden.
  16. Once golden brown, take them out from the oven to season them with garlic butter and Italian herbs.

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